Every Dress Ever Worn by an Oscar-Winning Best Actress [Infographic]

best actress oscar dresses

I got this one from Jezebel, and I love it.

These dresses worn by the Academy Award winners for Best Actress may look even better in sketch form than in person. It’s interesting how the dresses started off as pretty much only black or white with a little bit of green thrown in. (I am always in favor of green, btw.) Then they get more colorful, but lately we’ve been on a bit of a neutral streak with some color but absolutely no green. (Boooo!)

This reminds me of a really great article in Vanity Fair right now (“Slaves of the Red Carpet“) on stylists and the Oscars. One mentions that black dresses look great in person, but they tend to look boring in photographs. So as photos have gotten more important with blogs running slide shows and such, actresses have been opting for black less.

Elizabeth Taylor’s (1961) stands out to me because it’s two tone and has a pattern at the bottom. Here it is in real life. Check out how perfectly her lipstick matches her the flower on her sash!

Elizabeth Taylor 1961 Oscars

Which one is your favorite?

And check out my piece on the first Oscars with a bonus Oscar photo roundup!

Infographic made by Mediarun Digital

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